Friday, February 8, 2013

Fluffy Piano

For the Mesh Project, I stayed away from obvious inanimate objects. I decided to use something that reflects music in it as well, since I love music. My cut and pastes are good on the fur and fluffier parts of the animal, but the hoovees were tricky since most were covered up by grass and I couldn't get them to look like the actual hoof, but I cut most straight an the bottom though so It would look more natural, as if the fluffiness covered the hooves. To make it look like the farm critters came from the piano keys I made the sheep and goats long to match the shape of the keys and made some of the keys have the same texture as the them. I also made added some sheep with black and brown spots to make it look like they came from the black keys. I decided to do these two objects because I thought it would be cute to make the piano keys form cute animals and considering that you don't see sheep and pianos together it would be an intresting sight to observe. Since black and White are strong contrast colors anyway I thought it would work well with sheep colorwise, that way I wouldn't have to change the color of the animal to match the piano.

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